Anna Gartaganis, CEO

President/Owner/Idea Generator

With more than 20 years of experience in public relations, news and television/radio production, Anna balances the fine line between news and PR by managing the expectations of journalists and publicists on a daily basis. 

She has worked with countless authors, celebrities, entertainers, politicians, and spokespersons on radio and TV media tours to promote campaigns from new books and products to non-profits and awareness initiatives. 

From the first glimmer of a concept to the final “it’s a wrap” moment, Anna guides every aspect of a production skillfully and efficiently. Ultimately, whatever the story, she finds that unique and compelling nugget of information to capture producers’ interests.

Anna attained her TV/Radio/Film Production and marketing degree from Syracuse University's S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications.  She has a unique sense of humor, loves quoting movie lines, can beat you in name that tune and thanks to her two rambunctious sons, loves sports, a good joke and anything Marvel and Star Wars related.

Contact Anna